KAILO Nutrition is here!

KAILO Nutrition is here!

A note from our Founders, Kath Merlo and Kristy Morris

It was always our dream to create a range of supplements to help support our clients' health both inside and out. With Libby Munro's knowledge and expertise in the field of nutrition and supplementation, we have developed the 'Optimise Range' of supplements to promote sleep health, gut health and skin health.

We hope you love our first three supplements, just as much as we do!


Feel Well is designed for those suffering from gastrointestinal distress. Combining a healthy dose of easy-to-digest collagen protein with the most effective gut-healing ingredients and enzymes, Feel Well is formulated to soothe and relieve your gut. 20g of Protein per serve.


Look Well is designed to help you radiate your inner wellness. If you experience dull skin, brittle nails, fine hair or hair loss, Look Well could be the supplement for you. Targeting cellular renewal, immunity & digestion, this formulation supports wellness & vitality that shines from the inside out. 16g of Protein per serve.


Sleep Well is designed for anyone craving a better night’s sleep. Collagen protein is a crucial macronutrient that helps to keep your body feeling fuller for longer. This, combined with the most effective sleepy herbs, nervous system calming elements and dietary neurotransmitters, Sleep Well aims to improve sleep quality and mood by calming and reducing stress. 15g of Protein per serve.

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A Busy Woman’s Guide to Looking and Feeling Well During Winter

A Busy Woman’s Guide to Looking and Feeling Well During Winter

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Supporting Hormonal Health with Plant Well: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

Supporting Hormonal Health with Plant Well: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

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