Mother's Day with FRANKiE 4

Mother's Day with FRANKiE 4

Every Mum deserves to be pampered on Mother's Day so this year, KAILO has teamed up with FRANKiE 4 to share the love.

To celebrate the occasion, the KAILO team has nominated and selected three lucky Mums to experience a Spa day at KAILO Medispa & receive a fresh pair of kicks generously gifted by FRANKiE 4. 

Read a selection of the Nominations below. 


"I know I can always go to [mum] whenever If I’m struggling or need advice with anything. She helped me massively in my degree and all of my assignments without even having to ask her. She always puts everyone first before she even considers herself regardless of the situation. I appreciate everything that she does for myself and the family and I would be absolutely lost without her. She would benefit and appreciate having a spa day at kailo and take time for herself and relax which she never does as she always puts herself last!"

- Sophie

"My mum. One of the strongest, bravest women I know. We lost my Dad 13 years ago and mum has been our rock through it all. We are all well and truly in our 30’s but mum has never once wavered or questioned anything we have needed from her. My mum works so hard and even through a all the hardships in the last 13 years she has had to navigate by herself she never complains she just gets on with whatever is needed and also puts up with more than she should. She is so so kind and I would love to treat her just to know how much she is loved and deserving."

- anonymous 

"My mum is my absolute world. She is my rock, my therapist, my best friend and my shoulder to cry on. She’s been through a lot more than the average person and continues to hustle hard day in, day out. She runs her own business and takes care of our mini farm too! I love her more than anything and know she would genuinely cherish some pampering time and a treat for her feet too!"

- Laura 

"Knowing my mother walks beside me every day, gives me the strength to weather any storm. She is accepting, amazing, strong and so appreciative for every day. She has had a few challenging years caring for my Dad, however never complains. She is my hero! My Mum deserves a Spa Day at Kailomedispa, as she has never experienced a day at the Spa, as she always puts everyone else first."

- Annette


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